Consulting Services

Consistent with our goal to "help teachers be" [slogan], Babs offers a number of specialized services for education professionals. 


Author-Consultant: Developing Learners



Babsy B is an acclaimed keynoter and workshop presenter with four+ decades of experience in motivating audiences of all ages. Babsy B shares a host of age-appropriate fun-filled strategies and thought-provoking ideas around her work with and for children. She is a popular speaker at international, national, regional, state, and local conferences, including though not limited to: International Reading Association (IRA); Gifted & Talented; Special Needs; Head Start; Preschool; Daycare; Homeschooling; Public and Private Schools; Montessori; Librarians; Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI); Reading Recovery.



Babsy B captures and sustains the attention of listeners of all ages and abilities. Her unique way of using language she calls “oral desserts” frequently earns her the apt description, “Today’s Mary Poppins.” A “parenting expert” she’s also often called, given her ability and eagerness to share her tried-and-true tips for using language and the language of literature for all things . . . and especially to manage behaviors or prevent undesirable behaviors.


Children––even if otherwise engaged, whether it be in an activity or the throes of a melt down––tune in when Babsy B begins to do her thing. She recites or sings poems, book texts, and songs she’s written and field-tested through the years. She recites or sing-songs thoughts, observations, or directions she creates spontaneously . . . and often ends up adding those in-the-moment words and ideas to her prolific collection of original poems and songs. Kids and adults quickly sense her passion for language, children, and people in general . . . and they do stay tuned, invariably asking Babsy B to “Do it again!” And listeners are quick to join in to say or sing and take away to say or sing later those very modeled words and ideas.


Babsy B uses her books, poems, songs, and word games to capitalize on children’s (and adults’) natural senses of curiosity and play. And through language fun, she invites her listeners to think and to call on their existing storehouse of language––rhymes, songs, tales, phonemic awareness, phonics skills, vocabularies, and the like––all in order to be able to join in, to repeat, to chuckle, to giggle, or to enjoy a giant belly-laugh. And everyone learns all sorts of new information in the process!


Author-in-Residence School Visits with Babsy B

Children’s Sessions are interactive engagements wherein children of all ages and abilities delight in participating socially, emotionally, verbally, and through physical movements.


Babsy B helps you plan for and schedule up to three children’s sessions per day. Many school communities opt to combine school populations, add Babsy B staff development sessions, and frequently invite family members to join in, either during or after the school day, or in evening gatherings of entire communities.


Groupings (Ages and Number of Participants) are flexible to meet your school’s or group’s needs for:


Pee-Wee Poetry™

Founded in 1978 by Babsy B (Babs Bell Hajdusiewicz), Pee Wee Poetry introduced children ages 18 months through 9 years to the love of language through the use of classic and contemporary poetry. Through the years, Babsy B has revised her high-energy, interactive children’s classes to include her hundreds of published kid-tested works.


Pee Wee Poetry classes present a fun and eagerly-anticipated highlight of the week for enrolled children. One preschooler’s parent reported her child woke every morning, asking: “Is today poetry day?” What is spoken and learned in Pee Wee Poetry classes does not stay there; every word and idea proves to be engaging for the entire family as children share their enthusiasm and love for how to use the language of literature in their daily living.


The dad of a 2-year-old Pee Wee Poetry student told how they’d found useful the emphasis on patience in Babsy B’s HarperCollins picture book, The Bridge Is Up! Seems that all that modeled Focusing Talk™ around the language of literature had come right back at this dad when he’d complained about traffic, and his Toddler Two reminded: “Daddy, the bridge is up!”


Pee-Wee Poetry™ classes include materials from Babs’ best-selling classroom poster sets: Poetry Works!, Poetry Works! The First Verse, and Poetry Works! The Second Stanza.


Staff Development

Involve your entire team such that everyone is on the same page as you work to enhance children’s literacy skills. Let Babsy B guide your staff in:


Selected Staff-Development Topics*


*Additional literacy topics available upon request.


Parent/Family Sessions

Parents and families learn ways to use their conversations to complement traditional read-alouds for exciting interactive verbal learning journeys that increase oral literacy, builds powerful vocabularies, and enhances reading comprehension skills.


Babsy B’s Parenting4Literacy™ program is strategy-rich, practical, easy, and fun-filled. Family members, sitters, and nannies learn how to utilize powerful conversational tools to complement the traditional daily read-alouds to create a learning journey that stimulates oral literacy as it builds vocabulary and enhances reading comprehension skills.


Literacy Lunch & Learn with Babsy B

Invite Babsy B to your workplace where your employees can experience first-hand how every person can make a difference with children, whether at home or when encountered in the community.



Pee Wee Poetry is a trademark of Babs Bell Hajdusiewicz.

Focused Talking is a trademark of Babs Bell Hajdusiewicz.


For more information about Babsy B’s various consulting services, email or use our contact us form with the subject line "consulting services".