Reading Realm, Inc. is thrilled to announce its CD, TODAY’S SONG by Babsy B and Friends, has been awarded the prestigious The National Parenting Center Seal of Approval. TODAY’S SONG for ages 0–5+ includes 24 songs and 4 spoken poems. Ten songs on the CD have companion books children can read as they sing exact texts.
This award by The National Parenting Center is the first award for their 26th year of product and service evaluations. The award is based solely on parent/child consumer testing conducted by The National Parenting Center. This round of testing occurred over a ten-week period.
The National Parenting Center’s goal is to educate and inform parents about products and services that are being marketed to them and their children. Their product reviews are designed to give parents peer-to-peer guidance and advice. Each month, over 350,000 parents turn to TNPC and follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest to obtain valuable parenting support including reviews of products found to be outstanding and worthy of their coveted Seal of Approval award and review.
We include herein The National Parenting Center’s Seal of Approval review. For more information about this award-winning product and for our companion products, contact us at