Q: Do I really need to be there for my kid’s school event today?
A: Yes. You do. Here are the Top 10 reasons why.
You do because you are the most important person in your child’s life. You do because, for your child and this event, your presence matters.
1. The event will happen today.
2. This event is special to your child.
3. Your child sees you as the most important person in the world.
4. Your child is excited and wants you there.
5. Time stands still for your child.
6. Today is forever to your child, until it’s tomorrow.
7. Your child needs for others to see you there today.
8. Your presence says to your child, “You matter to me.”
9. It will make you feel good to be there for your child.
10. You have to be there today.
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Alec Degnats