Today's Song (Download Card)

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An award-winning CD that has won the “2016 National Parenting Center’s Seal of Approval Award,” the “2016 Creative Child Magazine’s Kids’ CD of the Year Award,” and  the “2016 Annual Baby Maternity Awards Certificate of Achievement.” TODAY’S SONG includes 28 songs and poems, 10 of which have companion books available.

  • This award-winning CD helps children learn vocabulary and knowledge through music and repetition.
  • When children learn words and tunes, they feel confident in speaking those words and singing words to those tunes.
  • The catchy words and tunes even invite infants and young toddlers to sing, move, and dance!
  • Here is yet another of Babsy B’s products that encourages thinking, listening, and speaking, and this product invites singing, too! 


Some Benefits to Child:

  • Added Musical Learning Fun because the songs and poems invite listening to sing along, clap, and move to the rhythm as they reinforce the fun of reading Babsy B Board Books.
  • Develop Oral Language because children remember words they want to say when music is added to words.
  • Enhances Memory Development because children learn words they sing again and again.


Added Benefits to Parent:

  • Time Saver because the award-winning CD’s fun and catchy tunes grab kids’ (and adults’) attention and entertain one child, a roomful, or a car load.
  • Traveling Resource because the award-winning CD’s fun and catchy tunes grab kids’ (and adults’) attention to entertain everyone and make those miles pass quickly while traveling.
  • Connection with Child Around Humor because laughing makes for bonding and because child’s critical thinking skills grow through laughter.

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