WOW! Word Wednesday: MANAGE

by Babs Hadjusiewicz January 22, 2014


WOW Word of the Week: WOW! Words™ are words that, when used in correct context by children during conversation, cause awed adults to pay attention and say, “WOW!” WOW! Words invite children—regardless of natural or learned language abilities—to be confident talkers.

Using WOW! Words models intentional oral use of big words within meaningful and useful contexts.


This week's WOW! Word: manage.


Use the word in sentences, such as:

1. Do you think you can manage that all by yourself?

2. We'll manage that after we read a story and take your nap.

3. I will need help since I can't manage this by myself.

4. I notice that you managed to find your favorite book.

5. How did you manage to do that?



WOW! Words are a trademark of Babs Bell Hajdusiewicz

Babs Hadjusiewicz
Babs Hadjusiewicz


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