More leaders. Just one of the benefits of random talk with the kids in our midst.

by Babs Hadjusiewicz April 21, 2009

I was power walking this morning when answers to three puzzling situations came to me. WOW! Powerful fresh air here in Atlanta today. And today's TALKING Tuesday thought came to me in all that air. So here comes.... First of all, TALKING to your child is ever-important. Think I've said that, but will repeat myself time and again 'cause it's that important, i.e., for us to have children who are powerful talkers, we gotta stoke those fires wherever and whenever we have time with a child. Research and experience show us that powerful talkers become leaders.  So, two TALKING points today to share with you. You know I'm a longtime children's author and educator and that I'm forever searching for and finding ways to share and educate kids and adults. Just this past weekend, two TALKING Times happened. The first one occurred when a 7 yr old emailed me from afar (and out of the blue) that she and her classmates in CA had read my "Arithmetic Pie" poem (from one of my POETRY WORKS kits, see my website for details) and that they didn't know how to pronounce my long last name. Well, I responded, it's like this: high doo SHEV its. Then she and I continued back and forth and the next thing I knew, she had emailed a precious photo. What a cutie! And a TALKING teaching point came to mind...without preaching, I wanted her to know how much I value her security online, so I commented that I so liked the pic she'd sent and that I bet her parents were reading my compliment and were feeling pretty special for being her parents. TALKED to make a point about online security for kids to my new young pen pal and to her family and teacher. WOW! Talking is a powerful tool that's always there in our bag, ready for positive teach! Second TALKING point that came to me at the gym by happenstance this weekend. While visiting with a friend and dressing in the locker room, the subject of kids came up. Well, I remembered how she chooses to avoid kids, so I noted a TALKING moment and shared with her how much kids from all socioeconomic levels want and need attention and how our TALKING to kids at every opportunity can be a really positive investment in our own in these kids all around us everywhere we go are the ones who will be asked to care for us in our senior years. And onward my friend and I visited about why kids need positive attention from someone like her, a childless-by-choice lady who tries her best to avoid kids! Yes, I offered to her the actual words she might say, words that could and would make a difference for a child she encounters there in the gym or in line at a store. Words, like "Hey, those pink cheeks tell me you've had some fun play time!" or "I like how you said 'Please' just now." or "I like that blue shirt on you."  Well, my friend said WOW! and that she'd never thought about it like that. She went on to say she guessed she could find something to say to a child in her midst and that she planned to begin trying to do just that. WOW! TALK is powerful! Go make a difference with your TALK....go say something positive to a child in your midst! WOW! Go enjoy the day!

Babs Hadjusiewicz
Babs Hadjusiewicz


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