This week's WOW! Word: ENGAGE

by Babs Hadjusiewicz February 22, 2016

Did you know that your child's listening and speaking vocabulary by age 4 is an important predictor of his later success as a reader, writer, and a lifelong learner? 
And did you know that the richness of the words you model--when you talk and read aloud every day-determines the exact words your child will hear . . . and say? 
Our weekly WOW! Word and its modeled sentences provide you with rich conversation to enjoy with your newborns and toddlers who are all ears! We know that babies and toddlers who hear these words add them to their "words stash" to say when they talk. 
Now's a good time to check your child's understanding and use of this rich WOW! Word we'd posted for you some time ago. If you'd missed out on this particular WOW! Word earlier, we offer it to you now. ..
  1. You seem very engaged in that book!
  2. This magician is good at engaging the audience.
  3. I’d ask for your engagement in this discussion.
  4. The library storyteller is so engaging!
  5. Let’s engage in positive conversations.

Babs Hadjusiewicz
Babs Hadjusiewicz


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